
Simple and clear explanations of biostatistics methods, statistical concepts and more!

I try to keep them maths-free and straight to the point, with many examples of biological applications.

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Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) – simply explained!
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) – simply explained!

What is gene set enrichment analysis and how can you use it to summarise your differential gene expression analysis results?This post will give you a simple and practical explanation of Gene Set Enrichment Analysis, or GSEA for short. You will find out:  What is Gene...

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Correlation does not imply causation
Correlation does not imply causation

Simple explanation of what is correlation, positive and negative correlation, and the correlation coefficient r.In this post I will try to give you a simple and practical explanation of correlation. Correlation is one of the most used statistical techniques. However,...

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Pathway enrichment analysis for DGE – simply explained
Pathway enrichment analysis for DGE – simply explained

An overview of pathway enrichment analysis and how you can use it for your differential gene expression analysis data. In this post, you will find pathway enrichment analysis explained in a simple way with examples. I will try to give you a simple and practical...

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Principal Component Analysis (PCA) simply explained
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) simply explained

In this post I will try to give you a simple and practical explanation on what is Principal Component Analysis and how to use it to visualise your biological data. Principal Component Analysis, or PCA, is a widely used technique to visualise multidimensional datasets....

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How to interpret a volcano plot
How to interpret a volcano plot

What is a volcano plot?Imagine you are carrying out an RNAseq experiment. You have a group of cells A and a group of cells B. Group B was treated with a drug. Now you want to see what effect the drug has in gene expression. Does the drug cause some genes to be...

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Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) – simply explained!

What is gene set enrichment analysis and how can you use it to summarise your differential gene expression analysis results?This post will give you a simple and practical explanation of Gene Set Enrichment Analysis, or GSEA for short. You will find out:  What is Gene...

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Correlation does not imply causation

Simple explanation of what is correlation, positive and negative correlation, and the correlation coefficient r.In this post I will try to give you a simple and practical explanation of correlation. Correlation is one of the most used statistical techniques. However,...

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Pathway enrichment analysis for DGE – simply explained

An overview of pathway enrichment analysis and how you can use it for your differential gene expression analysis data. In this post, you will find pathway enrichment analysis explained in a simple way with examples. I will try to give you a simple and practical...

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Principal Component Analysis (PCA) simply explained

In this post I will try to give you a simple and practical explanation on what is Principal Component Analysis and how to use it to visualise your biological data. Principal Component Analysis, or PCA, is a widely used technique to visualise multidimensional datasets....

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How to interpret a volcano plot

What is a volcano plot?Imagine you are carrying out an RNAseq experiment. You have a group of cells A and a group of cells B. Group B was treated with a drug. Now you want to see what effect the drug has in gene expression. Does the drug cause some genes to be...

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