Hands-on coding tutorials with biological data
If you would like to…
- learn data wrangling and visualisation tools for biological data
- start learning code with easy step-by-step guides
- improve your coding skills with R or Python
- learn by doing with hands-on tutorials
Check out Biostatsquid's Youtube videos and tutorials
Data science and biostatistics coding tutorials
Easy R tutorial: pathway enrichment analysis plots
Follow this step-by-step easy R tutorial to visualise your results with these pathway enrichment analysis plots. From barplots to enrichment maps!
Step-by-step heatmap tutorial with pheatmap()
Follow this easy, step-by-step heatmap tutorial with pheatmap() to create and customize your own heatmaps in R
Quality Check, Processing and Alignment of Sequencing Reads R tutorial
Follow this step-by-step preprocessing for sequencing reads R tutorial: quality control, trimming reads, and mapping them onto a reference genome.
Standard scRNAseq pre-processing workflow with Seurat
Follow a step-by-step standard pipeline for scRNAseq pre-processing using the R package Seurat, including filtering, normalisation, scaling, PCA and more!
Volcano plots in R: easy step-by-step tutorial
Easy, step-by-step guide to create your own volcano plot in R.